Oprah wasn't invited to TomKat weddingSheesh, here I am getting super excited to go sit in the audience of the Oprah show and TomKat don’t even invite her to their wedding?  How rude!  Wasn’t it from HER couch that he professed his love to Katie for all to hear?  I think it would be only right for her to be invited.  hehe

Tom Cruise may have famously jumped on Oprah Winfrey’s couch to declare his love for Katie Holmes, but Winfrey won’t be at his wedding in Italy Saturday.

"It’s not that I’m not going," Winfrey tells Extra’s AJ Calloway in a segment to air on Tuesday. "It’s that they had a limited number of people that they could invite. I was not one the invitees. That’s fine. I don’t get invited to everyone’s wedding. I don’t invite them to everything I do. But I wish them the best."

She continues, "I have a great deal of regard for their relationship and so I’m trying to think of what to get them."

Asked what she’ll get the couple, she says, "I don’t know! I was thinking … I’m easier (to shop for) – you can get me a bubble bath I’m okay – but I don’t know what to give them." Via People

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One Response to “Oprah Not Invited to TomKat Wedding”

  1. Pinky Bear Says:

    How about a double dildo and lots of KY?

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